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Pamela Rand is a veteran of theater & film in the US & Europe. Her penchant for physical comedy blossomed in her early twenties at Jacques Lecoq’s internationally acclaimed school of movement, mime and theater in Paris, France.

Pamela is a role model for an aging population and an inspiration for youth.

Through her company, Past Primetime Productions, she continues to create and act in a wide variety of filmed hilarious sketches as seen on You Tube, FB, Instagram and TikTok.

Pamela speaks to health and longevity through the “power of laughter” and playfulness as demonstrated by her humor, spontaneity, standup comedy, lectures, her optimism and zest for life.

Cofounder of the OptimaLearning Company® an accelerated learning system, she taught unique learning techniques and intensives including “discovering your inner clown” in the US and internationally. She is fluent in French. She currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area.

By nature a rebel, she has an affinity to the irreverent, the wacky and the absurd.

A favorite quote

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage”

Anias Nin

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